domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Casi sin sentido

My words are full of songs I can´t write, my heart is full of feelings I can´t describe, and the more I try to say something nice it seems I´ve lost my mind.

Just a perfect day...getting wet under the cold rain,
kissing like we had never kissed anyone before.
Becoming a nice statue that no one sees moving,
our hair entangled,
one of my hands painted in your neck
and one of yours in my back.

Our eyes seeing things we can´t understand,
our bodies getting closer,
the blood whose control has been lost,
the heart won´t stop pounding.

There´s no me,
nor you,
there´s it.
It, is dry,
while we keep on kissing,
wet till the bones,

Then, we realize,
we are It,
even thought we won´t say it,
not even to ourselves.

We´ll just say that this is a perfect day.

6 comentarios:

uh uh uh dijo...
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NMMP dijo...

Finally! I am so, so happy that you have torn the wall down...

NMMP dijo...

Falto decir... ¿te das cuenta de que ya empezó a llover?

uh uh uh dijo...

ya no me gustó lo que puse.

Alice dijo...

uuu y no lo viiiiii. Acto seguido:¡Tras!

la burra dilemas dijo...

casi... sólo casi sin sentido... estoy feliz de que los casis existan, de otra manera, la pura racionalidad nos volvería locos